Palais des Beaux Arts

The Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille is one of the leading museums in France. Its collections, offering visitors a complete panorama of the greatest European artistic centres from the 12th to the 20th century, are among the most exceptional in Europe. You can discover remarkable paintings, a formidable collection of drawings and sculptures from the 19th century, and of course the famous Plan-Reliefs, all works that have made the Palais des Beaux Arts famous. Thanks to its exhibitions and the diversity of its programme, the museum is an essential part of the cultural scene in Lille. Metro stop line 1: République Beaux-Arts. Open on Monday from 2pm to 6pm, Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Closed on Tuesdays and on 01/01, 01/05, 14/07, 1st weekend of September (Braderie), 01/11, 25/12.


Place de la République
59000 Lille

+33 320 06 78 00

Palais des Beaux Arts

Accès en bus

Accès en métro
Stop "République Beaux-Arts" ligne 1

Accès en vélo
VLille: Station 6, République Beaux-Arts or station 8, Place Richebé

Accès en voiture

République car park -300 spaces

Taxis: Lille Flandre and Lille Europe stations

Accès piéton
Lille train stations 10-15 minutes' walk away


Handicap auditif

Visites individuelles LSF programmées chaque trimestre ( détail sur la page agenda du site)

Contact groupes  : service médiation implication

Handicap mental

Handicap moteur

Accès aux personnes à mobilité réduite par le côté du bâtiment, Boulevard de la Liberté

Tous étages desservis par ascenseurs

Contact groupes : service médiation implication

Handicap visuel


Thematic of the place

Fine Arts

Public price
Tarif unique : €7.00
Price with the pass
Tarif unique : Free